Kenai Fjords Wildlife - Major Marine Tours


Wildlife Seen in Kenai Fjords National Park

Many species of marine mammals, birds, and land mammals inhabit the abundant waters and coastlines of Kenai Fjords National Park. Listed below are just a few of the species that can be viewed from our cruises. Visit our whale watching page for information on the whale species that can be found in the area.


Dall's porpoise
Dall’s Porpoise

These playful porpoises are often mistaken for orcas because of their similar black and white markings. They are one of the fastest marine mammals, second only to the orca. We often see them bow riding and riding the vessel’s wake at high speeds, breaking the surface of the water to spout. Generally, these 4 to 6-foot long mammals travel in pairs or large groups.

Steller sea lion
Steller Sea Lion

This rare, endangered species lives in large colonies, feeding largely on mollusks and fish. They grow to 6 to 8 feet long. Males weigh 1,500 – 2,200 lbs. and females weigh 600 – 800 lbs. They are distinguished from their cousins, the California Sea Lion, by their light-colored, reddish fur.

Harbor seal
Harbor Seal

This wide-ranging seal can be found throughout most coastal waters in the northern latitudes. In Alaska, they are often seen resting on ice floes around active glaciers. They grow to a length of 4 to 5 feet and weigh 250 lbs.

Sea otter
Sea Otter

The smallest of all marine mammals but the largest of the weasel family, the playful sea otter spends most of its life in the water, feeding on fish, squid, sea urchins, and crabs. They often float on their backs, using their stomachs as a table for their food. They are generally 29 to 39 inches long with light brown heads and flipper-like feet. Otters are the only marine mammal that doesn’t have blubber to keep them warm in the frigid waters of the Pacific Ocean. Instead, they have the densest fur of any mammal, which keeps them warm and buoyant.


Bald Eagle
Bald Eagle

Bald eagles can be found in all 50 states except Hawaii, but Alaska is home to more bald eagles than all other 49 states combined. With the abundance of salmon and small birds in Alaska, Alaskan bald eagles grow larger than their relatives in the lower 48. They live in trees and snags, feeding primarily on fish and waterfowl. Bald eagles get their distinctive white heads at about five years of age and they mate for life, returning to the same nests year after year.

Horned Puffin

These birds are named for the black horn-like markings over each eye. They are also distinguishable by their red-tipped beaks. Puffins are a diving seabird and are able to dive up to 200 feet to search for food. They are not as efficient out of the water and must flap their wings up to 400 times per minute to stay in flight.

Viewing season: mid-May to August

Tufted Puffin

Tufted puffins are distinguishable by the yellow tufts of feathers behind each eye and by their fully black bodies.

Viewing season: mid-May to August

Black-legged Kittiwake
Black-Legged Kittiwake

Thousands of kittiwakes nest at the end of Cape Resurrection, building their nests on the sheer cliffs. This surface-feeding member of the gull family is common throughout Southcentral Alaska.

Common Murre
Common Murre

These deep-diving birds nest in large colonies on ocean cliffs. Their eggs are pear-shaped to prevent them from rolling off of narrow ledges. Murres average 14 to 16 inches tall and are known to dive up to 300 feet in search of food.


These seabirds use their long, red beaks to hammer holes in the shells of mussels and clams and pry limpets from rocks.


These eye-catching birds are large with long bodies, large wingspans, and long, slender necks. Three types of cormorants can be found on the area: red-faced cormorants, double-crested cormorants, and pelagic cormorants.

In addition to the commonly-seen bird species listed above, you may also see: rhinoceros aucklets, sooty shearwaters, parasitic and long-tailed jaegers, peregrine falcons, pigeon guillemots, marbled murrelet, surf scoters, eiders, harlequin ducks, goldeneyes, arctic tern, loons, and petrels.


Mountain Goats
Mountain Goat

Billies (males), nannies (females), and kids (babies) are often spotted scrambling along the steep coastline cliffs of Resurrection Bay and Kenai Fjords National Park. They use their split hooves to latch on to narrow cliffs, making them sure-footed climbers in steep alpine areas.

Black bear
Black Bear

These large mammals can be seen along the coastline and weigh as much as 500 pounds. They feed on salmon, berries, and vegetation.